Copyright 2018-20180

紫藍色車卡 Hyacinthine Scar
2018 | 9'25" | Single-channel Video

Hyacinthine Scar condenses the undigested emotions in me while traveling from Hong Kong to my brother’s wedding in Guam. Presences and gazes of all sorts, to look and to be looked at, repetitive camera work of the hired videographers, the vow that is rehearsed over and over again by the priest, all the uncontrollable clickings of the shutter from all the us (including myself), and the endless sightings of different sides of the fragmented Western Pacific... Guam is a 220 sqm island that belongs to the United States, about 2% of the size of Hong Kong, and with nearly 40 beaches. The several mornings I was there, I sat through my breakfast buffet watching people of different ethnicities pulling their suitcases in and out of the hotel, each speaking their own dialect. The many spots I visited appear as though they belong to the passersby. They are as real as they are dreamy.